KLIMASKEN´ Indicators

Used indicators

Below is a list of all indicators used in KLIMASKEN. Each has its own label, which assigns it to one of five areas (descriptive, exposure, sensitivity, emission, readiness balance). It is also indicated whether it is an indicator of the basic or full version or KLIAMSKEN and whether it is applicable to the evaluation of the entire city, city district, municipality or building. Each indicator also contains a methodological sheet, which can be downloaded by clicking on the icon on the right.

Indicators for cities, city districts and municipalities

We recommend that you download the file Calculation Auxiliary Tables for Buildings (xls), to help you calculate the values that you later enter for each of the exposure, sensitivity, and readiness indicators of buildings.

The following is a list of indicators for cities/towns/city districts:

označeníIndicator namebasic versionfull versionMethodical sheet
POP2Total areayesyes36kB
POP3Population densityyesyes36kB
POP4Agriculture landyesyes37kB
POP5Forest landyesyes37kB
POP6Water surfaceyesyes39kB
POP7Built areasyesyes37kB
POP8Other areasyesyes37kB
POP9Protected areasyesyes39kB
POP10Proportion of inhabitants living in apartment buildingsyesyes37kB
POP11Proportion of inhabitants living in family housesyesyes37kB
POP12Proportion of inhabitants connected to the water supplyyesyes37kB
POP13Connection to the public sewage systemyesyes37kB
POP14Expenditures of the cityyesyes36kB
EXP1The difference between the average annual air temperature for the last five years and the long-term averageyesyes40kB
EXP2The difference in the number of tropical days for the last five years compared to the long-term averageyesyes42kB
EXP3Difference in the number of tropical nights in the last five years from the long-term averageyesyes41kB
EXP4Difference in the highest number of consecutive calendar days without precipitation compared to the long-term average yesyes40kB
EXP5Number of flash floods in the past 5 yearsyesyes39kB
EXP6Frequency of river floods, when the river has overflowed its banks in the last 5 years.yesyes39kB
EXP7Proportion of the flooded area defined by line Q100 of the total area of the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipality.yes39kB
EXP8Number of days with the occurrence of extreme weather events (strong wind, hail, heavy thunderstorms, iceberg, icing, heavy snow).yesyes40kB
EXP9Number of days with occurrence of hydrological drought in the last year yesyes40kB
EXP10Climatic drought expressed by the Standardized Rainfall Evapotranspiration Index (SREI)yesyes41kB
AD1The area of green infrastructureyesyes50kB
AD2Availability of areas of public greenery of adequate quality yesyes48kB
AD3Built-up, paved impermeable areasyesyes44kB
AD4Proportion of the number of persons vulnerable to heat waves from the total populationyesyes43kB
AD5The share of the territory in the city with the risk of landslides from the total area of the administrative territoryyes39kB
AD6Proportion of the number of critical objects in the risk area endangered by torrential rains from the total number of critical objectsyes43kB
AD7Proportion of inhabitants living in the Q100 floodplain out of the total populationyes42kB
AD8Number of old ecological burdens in the cityyes40kB
AD9Proportion of the number of inhabitants living in the area at risk of floods from torrential rains from the total populationyes43kB
AD10Proportion of the number of critical objects located in the flood area of river floods Q100 from the total number of critical objectsyesyes43kB
AD11The share of drinking water in the total water consumption for watering public greeneryyes40kB
AD12Consumption of drinking water in the city / city district / municipality from public sourcesyes40kB
AD13Average usable capacity of drinking water sources for the needs of the city / city district / municipality per capita of the city/city district/municipalityyesyes44kB
AD14Forest vegetation prone to droughtyes40kB
AD15Amount of rainwater captured in cadastral areayesyes47kB
AD16Number of extraordinary climatic eventsyesyes41kB
EMI1Consumption of district heatyesyes46kB
EMI2Electricity consumptionyesyes42kB
EMI3Consumption of natural gasyesyes41kB
EMI4Transport performance in individual car transportyesyes42kB
EMI5Consumption of coal (brown, black) within the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipalityyes42kB
EMI6Consumption of other fossil fuels (propane-butane, heating oil, others) within the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipalityyes41kB
EMI8Transport performance in passenger rail transportyes43kB
EMI9Transport performance in passenger bus and trolleybus transportyes43kB
EMI10Transport performance in air transportyes41kB
EMI13Amount of mixed municipal waste disposed of in landfillsyes42kB
EMI14Amount of mixed municipal waste disposed of by incinerationyes43kB
EMI15Total hazardous waste productionyes42kB
EMI16Wastewater productionyes43kB
EMI17Amount of biodegradable municipal waste (BDMW)yes44kB
GOV1Strategic-institutional situation of the city in the field of adaptation to the impacts of climate changeyesyes46kB
GOV2Funds spent on the implementation of adaptation measuresyesyes40kB
GOV3Existence of a low carbon strategy / policy / action planyesyes46kB
GOV4Funds for the implementation of mitigation measures from the total budget of the city / city district / municipalityyesyes43kB
GOV5The share of residential buildings in a given energy standard according to the heat demand for heatingyes45kB
GOV6Proportion of public lighting spots replaced by a more efficient sourceyes42kB
GOV7Instalovaný výkon nově nainstalovaných fotovoltaických panelů na obyvateleyes52kB
GOV8Total power of spare sources for electricity generationyes41kB
GOV9Public buildings in the administration of the city/city district/municipality renovated in order to increase their adaptability to the impacts of climate change.yes42kB
GOV10Area of the territory changed to green infrastructureyes42kB
GOV11Share of water losses in the distribution system in total productionyesyes39kB
GOV12Number of awareness-raising events for citizens and local actors focused on education and increasing competencies (competences) in the field of climate changeyesyes40kB
GOV13Proportion of population with permanent access to one of the sources of informationyesyes40kB
GOV14Agricultural land fund land foreclosureyes42kB
GOV15Proportion of energy from RES (renewable electricity, heat and cold from renewable sources) in public buildings managed by the municipalityyes44kB
GOV16Production of energy from renewable sources within the administrative territory of the city / city-district / municipality.yes44kB

Indicators for buildings

Different metrics need to be used for buildings, so a different set of indicators is used.
We recommend that you download the file Calculation Auxiliary Tables (xls)to help you calculate the values that you later enter for each of the exposure, sensitivity, and readiness indicators.

označeníIndicator nameMethodical sheet
B-POP1Year of construction36kB
B-POP2Year of significant renovation of the building38kB
B-POP3Number of floors 36kB
B-POP5Built-up area37kB
B-POP6Living space (of apartments)38kB
B-EX1Flood risk40kB
B-EX2Threat to technical infrastructure from floods43kB
B-EX3Threat to the building by extreme meteorological phenomena42kB
B-EX4The difference between the average annual air temperature in the observed year and the long-term average41kB
B-AD1Thermal protection of perimeter walls47kB
B-AD2Thermal roof protection47kB
B-AD3Transparent constructions47kB
B-AD4Shielding structures and shielding by structures45kB
B-AD5Shading by structures and greenery42kB
B-AD6Vegetation and gravel roofs43kB
B-AD7Colour version44kB
B-AD8Cooling equipment42kB
B-AD9Ventilation equipment45kB
B-AD10Capacity of the building to accumulate rainwater46kB
B-EMI12Heat consumption in building43kB
B-EMI3Electricity consumption in the building41kB
B-EMI4Electricity generation/production in the building42kB
B-EMI5Mixed municipal waste production in the building42kB
B-EMI6Wastewater production in the building42kB
B-GOV1Technical security of the buildings against floods and torrential rains45kB
B-GOV2Retention of rainwater around the building49kB
B-GOV3Rainwater capture on the building46kB
B-GOV4Ensuring prevention against natural events43kB

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