srovnání měst a městských částí / srovnání budov
Model A: Veľký Krtíš 2024 (City, plná verze) Veľký Krtíš 2024 (City, plná verze) Hlavní město Praha 2022 2022 (City, plná verze) Bratislava Karlova Ves 2022 2023 (City, plná verze) Třebíč 2020 (City, plná verze) Košice 2020 (City, plná verze) Holice 2020 (City, plná verze) Prešov 2020 (City, plná verze) Opava 2020 (City, plná verze) Praha 2020 (City, plná verze) Hlohovec 2020 (City, plná verze) Karlova Ves 2020 (City district, plná verze)
Model B: Veľký Krtíš 2024 (City, plná verze) Veľký Krtíš 2024 (City, plná verze) Hlavní město Praha 2022 2022 (City, plná verze) Bratislava Karlova Ves 2022 2023 (City, plná verze) Třebíč 2020 (City, plná verze) Košice 2020 (City, plná verze) Prešov 2020 (City, plná verze) Opava 2020 (City, plná verze) Praha 2020 (City, plná verze) Hlohovec 2020 (City, plná verze) Karlova Ves 2020 (City district, plná verze)
Exposition Sensitivity Emission Preparedness EXP1 - The difference between the average annual air temperature for the last five years and the long-term average
1.7 °C (Holice 2020)
0.6 °C (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP1 - The difference between the average annual air temperature for the last five years and the long-term average
1.7 °C (Holice 2020)
0.6 °C (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP1 EXP2 - The difference in the number of tropical days for the last five years compared to the long-term average
24 day (days) (Holice 2020)
11 day (days) (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP2 - The difference in the number of tropical days for the last five years compared to the long-term average
24 day (days) (Holice 2020)
11 day (days) (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP2 EXP3 - Difference in the number of tropical nights in the last five years from the long-term average
7 day (days) (Holice 2020)
8 day (days) (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP3 - Difference in the number of tropical nights in the last five years from the long-term average
7 day (days) (Holice 2020)
8 day (days) (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP3 EXP4 - Difference in the highest number of consecutive calendar days without precipitation compared to the long-term average
15 day (days) (Holice 2020)
10 day (days) (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP4 - Difference in the highest number of consecutive calendar days without precipitation compared to the long-term average
15 day (days) (Holice 2020)
10 day (days) (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP4 EXP5 - Number of flash floods in the past 5 years
11 episode (Holice 2020)
0 episode (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP5 - Number of flash floods in the past 5 years
11 episode (Holice 2020)
0 episode (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP5 EXP6 - Frequency of river floods, when the river has overflowed its banks in the last 5 years.
4 number (Holice 2020)
0 number (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP6 - Frequency of river floods, when the river has overflowed its banks in the last 5 years.
4 number (Holice 2020)
0 number (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP6 EXP7 - Proportion of the flooded area defined by line Q100 of the total area of the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipality.
0 % (Holice 2020)
0 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP7 - Proportion of the flooded area defined by line Q100 of the total area of the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipality.
0 % (Holice 2020)
0 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP7 EXP8 - Number of days with the occurrence of extreme weather events (strong wind, hail, heavy thunderstorms, iceberg, icing, heavy snow).
10 day (days) (Holice 2020)
12 day (days) (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP8 - Number of days with the occurrence of extreme weather events (strong wind, hail, heavy thunderstorms, iceberg, icing, heavy snow).
10 day (days) (Holice 2020)
12 day (days) (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP8 EXP9 - Number of days with occurrence of hydrological drought in the last year
600 day (days) (Holice 2020)
40 day (days) (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP9 - Number of days with occurrence of hydrological drought in the last year
600 day (days) (Holice 2020)
40 day (days) (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP9 EXP10 - Climatic drought expressed by the Standardized Rainfall Evapotranspiration Index (SREI)
-1.5 index (Holice 2020)
1 index (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP10 - Climatic drought expressed by the Standardized Rainfall Evapotranspiration Index (SREI)
-1.5 index (Holice 2020)
1 index (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EXP10 AD1 - The area of green infrastructure
25 % (Holice 2020)
20.95 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD1 - The area of green infrastructure
25 % (Holice 2020)
20.95 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD1 AD2 - Availability of areas of public greenery of adequate quality
100 % (Holice 2020)
21.5 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD2 - Availability of areas of public greenery of adequate quality
100 % (Holice 2020)
21.5 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD2 AD3 - Built-up, paved impermeable areas
4.89 % (Holice 2020)
8.78 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD3 - Built-up, paved impermeable areas
4.89 % (Holice 2020)
8.78 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD3 AD4 - Proportion of the number of persons vulnerable to heat waves from the total population
19 % (Holice 2020)
10.18 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD4 - Proportion of the number of persons vulnerable to heat waves from the total population
19 % (Holice 2020)
10.18 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD4 AD5 - The share of the territory in the city with the risk of landslides from the total area of the administrative territory
0 % (Holice 2020)
1.4 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD5 - The share of the territory in the city with the risk of landslides from the total area of the administrative territory
0 % (Holice 2020)
1.4 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD5 AD6 - Proportion of the number of critical objects in the risk area endangered by torrential rains from the total number of critical objects
25 % (Holice 2020)
12.5 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD6 - Proportion of the number of critical objects in the risk area endangered by torrential rains from the total number of critical objects
25 % (Holice 2020)
12.5 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD6 AD7 - Proportion of inhabitants living in the Q100 floodplain out of the total population
0 % (Holice 2020)
0.32 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD7 - Proportion of inhabitants living in the Q100 floodplain out of the total population
0 % (Holice 2020)
0.32 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD7 AD8 - Number of old ecological burdens in the city
1 Number per 1000 ha (Holice 2020)
0 Number per 1000 ha (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD8 - Number of old ecological burdens in the city
1 Number per 1000 ha (Holice 2020)
0 Number per 1000 ha (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD8 AD9 - Proportion of the number of inhabitants living in the area at risk of floods from torrential rains from the total population
0.45 % (Holice 2020)
16.8 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD9 - Proportion of the number of inhabitants living in the area at risk of floods from torrential rains from the total population
0.45 % (Holice 2020)
16.8 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD9 AD10 - Proportion of the number of critical objects located in the flood area of river floods Q100 from the total number of critical objects
0 % (Holice 2020)
0 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD10 - Proportion of the number of critical objects located in the flood area of river floods Q100 from the total number of critical objects
0 % (Holice 2020)
0 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD10 AD11 - The share of drinking water in the total water consumption for watering public greenery
75 % (Holice 2020)
80 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD11 - The share of drinking water in the total water consumption for watering public greenery
75 % (Holice 2020)
80 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD11 AD12 - Consumption of drinking water in the city / city district / municipality from public sources
86 l/inh./day (Holice 2020)
101.16 l/inh./day (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD12 - Consumption of drinking water in the city / city district / municipality from public sources
86 l/inh./day (Holice 2020)
101.16 l/inh./day (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD12 AD13 - Average usable capacity of drinking water sources for the needs of the city / city district / municipality per capita of the city/city district/municipality
16 l.s-1 / 1000 inh. (Holice 2020) AD13 - Average usable capacity of drinking water sources for the needs of the city / city district / municipality per capita of the city/city district/municipality
16 l.s-1 / 1000 inh. (Holice 2020) AD13 AD14 - Forest vegetation prone to drought
100 % (Holice 2020)
0 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD14 - Forest vegetation prone to drought
100 % (Holice 2020)
0 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD14 AD15 - Amount of rainwater captured in cadastral area
0.1 m³/pers. (Holice 2020)
662.9 m³/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD15 - Amount of rainwater captured in cadastral area
0.1 m³/pers. (Holice 2020)
662.9 m³/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD15 AD16 - Number of extraordinary climatic events
0 počet (Holice 2020)
5 počet (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD16 - Number of extraordinary climatic events
0 počet (Holice 2020)
5 počet (Veľký Krtíš 2024) AD16 GOV1 - Strategic-institutional situation of the city in the field of adaptation to the impacts of climate change
40 % (Holice 2020)
40 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV1 - Strategic-institutional situation of the city in the field of adaptation to the impacts of climate change
40 % (Holice 2020)
40 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV1 GOV2 - Funds spent on the implementation of adaptation measures
0.77 % (Holice 2020)
0 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV2 - Funds spent on the implementation of adaptation measures
0.77 % (Holice 2020)
0 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV2 GOV3 - Existence of a low carbon strategy / policy / action plan
40 % (Holice 2020)
40 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV3 - Existence of a low carbon strategy / policy / action plan
40 % (Holice 2020)
40 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV3 GOV4 - Funds for the implementation of mitigation measures from the total budget of the city / city district / municipality
0.3 % (Holice 2020)
3 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV4 - Funds for the implementation of mitigation measures from the total budget of the city / city district / municipality
0.3 % (Holice 2020)
3 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV4 GOV5 - The share of residential buildings in a given energy standard according to the heat demand for heating
15 % (Holice 2020)
77 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV5 - The share of residential buildings in a given energy standard according to the heat demand for heating
15 % (Holice 2020)
77 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV5 GOV6 - Proportion of public lighting spots replaced by a more efficient source
35 % (Holice 2020)
100 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV6 - Proportion of public lighting spots replaced by a more efficient source
35 % (Holice 2020)
100 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV6 GOV7 - Instalovaný výkon nově nainstalovaných fotovoltaických panelů na obyvatele
1.5 kWp/1000 obyv./rok (Holice 2020)
0.695 kWp/1000 obyv./rok (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV7 - Instalovaný výkon nově nainstalovaných fotovoltaických panelů na obyvatele
1.5 kWp/1000 obyv./rok (Holice 2020)
0.695 kWp/1000 obyv./rok (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV7 GOV8 - Total power of spare sources for electricity generation
7 kVA/1000 inhabitants (Holice 2020)
0.68 kVA/1000 inhabitants (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV8 - Total power of spare sources for electricity generation
7 kVA/1000 inhabitants (Holice 2020)
0.68 kVA/1000 inhabitants (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV8 GOV9 - Public buildings in the administration of the city/city district/municipality renovated in order to increase their adaptability to the impacts of climate change.
0 % (Holice 2020)
75 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV9 - Public buildings in the administration of the city/city district/municipality renovated in order to increase their adaptability to the impacts of climate change.
0 % (Holice 2020)
75 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV9 GOV10 - Area of the territory changed to green infrastructure
0.00072982 m²/ 1000 pers. (Holice 2020)
0 m²/ 1000 pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV10 - Area of the territory changed to green infrastructure
0.00072982 m²/ 1000 pers. (Holice 2020)
0 m²/ 1000 pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV10 GOV11 - Share of water losses in the distribution system in total production
25 % (Holice 2020)
26.57 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV11 - Share of water losses in the distribution system in total production
25 % (Holice 2020)
26.57 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV11 GOV12 - Number of awareness-raising events for citizens and local actors focused on education and increasing competencies (competences) in the field of climate change
0 events / 10 ths. residents (Holice 2020)
0 events / 10 ths. residents (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV12 - Number of awareness-raising events for citizens and local actors focused on education and increasing competencies (competences) in the field of climate change
0 events / 10 ths. residents (Holice 2020)
0 events / 10 ths. residents (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV12 GOV13 - Proportion of population with permanent access to one of the sources of information
7.3 % (Holice 2020)
100 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV13 - Proportion of population with permanent access to one of the sources of information
7.3 % (Holice 2020)
100 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV13 GOV14 - Agricultural land fund land foreclosure
0 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV14 - Agricultural land fund land foreclosure
0 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV14 GOV15 - Proportion of energy from RES (renewable electricity, heat and cold from renewable sources) in public buildings managed by the municipality
0 % (Holice 2020)
17.42 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV15 - Proportion of energy from RES (renewable electricity, heat and cold from renewable sources) in public buildings managed by the municipality
0 % (Holice 2020)
17.42 % (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV15 GOV16 - Production of energy from renewable sources within the administrative territory of the city / city-district / municipality.
6.97197 MWh/obyvatele (Holice 2020)
0.0000621 MWh/obyvatele (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV16 - Production of energy from renewable sources within the administrative territory of the city / city-district / municipality.
6.97197 MWh/obyvatele (Holice 2020)
0.0000621 MWh/obyvatele (Veľký Krtíš 2024) GOV16 EMI1 - Consumption of district heat
1898.26 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI1 - Consumption of district heat
1898.26 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI1 EMI2 - Electricity consumption
1906.04 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
53.1124 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI2 - Electricity consumption
1906.04 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
53.1124 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI2 EMI3 - Consumption of natural gas
2977.14 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
579.546 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI3 - Consumption of natural gas
2977.14 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
579.546 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI3 EMI4 - Transport performance in individual car transport
1265.64 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0.112277 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI4 - Transport performance in individual car transport
1265.64 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0.112277 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI4 EMI5 - Consumption of coal (brown, black) within the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipality
39.2249 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI5 - Consumption of coal (brown, black) within the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipality
39.2249 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI5 EMI6 - Consumption of other fossil fuels (propane-butane, heating oil, others) within the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipality
0.0141855 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI6 - Consumption of other fossil fuels (propane-butane, heating oil, others) within the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipality
0.0141855 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI6 EMI8 - Transport performance in passenger rail transport
42.9572 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI8 - Transport performance in passenger rail transport
42.9572 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI8 EMI9 - Transport performance in passenger bus and trolleybus transport
75.208 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
69.7634 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI9 - Transport performance in passenger bus and trolleybus transport
75.208 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
69.7634 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI9 EMI10 - Transport performance in air transport
120.038 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI10 - Transport performance in air transport
120.038 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI10 EMI13 - Amount of mixed municipal waste disposed of in landfills
216.188 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
129.445 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI13 - Amount of mixed municipal waste disposed of in landfills
216.188 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
129.445 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI13 EMI14 - Amount of mixed municipal waste disposed of by incineration
2.5509 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI14 - Amount of mixed municipal waste disposed of by incineration
2.5509 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
0 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI14 EMI15 - Total hazardous waste production
252.75 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
4.48344 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI15 - Total hazardous waste production
252.75 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
4.48344 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI15 EMI16 - Wastewater production
26.4417 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
80.1703 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI16 - Wastewater production
26.4417 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
80.1703 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI16 EMI17 - Amount of biodegradable municipal waste (BDMW)
26.3903 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
9.51866 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI17 - Amount of biodegradable municipal waste (BDMW)
26.3903 kg CO₂e/pers. (Holice 2020)
9.51866 kg CO₂e/pers. (Veľký Krtíš 2024) EMI17 EXP -28% Exposition AD +15% Sensitivity and capacity GOV -8% Preparedness MIT -25% Emission -12% Celkem HLAVNÍ INDEX EXPOSITION EXP1 - The difference between the average annual air temperature for the last five years and the long-term average EXP2 - The difference in the number of tropical days for the last five years compared to the long-term average EXP3 - Difference in the number of tropical nights in the last five years from the long-term average EXP4 - Difference in the highest number of consecutive calendar days without precipitation compared to the long-term average EXP5 - Number of flash floods in the past 5 years EXP6 - Frequency of river floods, when the river has overflowed its banks in the last 5 years. EXP7 - Proportion of the flooded area defined by line Q100 of the total area of the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipality. EXP8 - Number of days with the occurrence of extreme weather events (strong wind, hail, heavy thunderstorms, iceberg, icing, heavy snow). EXP9 - Number of days with occurrence of hydrological drought in the last year EXP10 - Climatic drought expressed by the Standardized Rainfall Evapotranspiration Index (SREI) SENSITIVITY AD1 - The area of green infrastructure AD2 - Availability of areas of public greenery of adequate quality AD3 - Built-up, paved impermeable areas AD4 - Proportion of the number of persons vulnerable to heat waves from the total population AD5 - The share of the territory in the city with the risk of landslides from the total area of the administrative territory AD6 - Proportion of the number of critical objects in the risk area endangered by torrential rains from the total number of critical objects AD7 - Proportion of inhabitants living in the Q100 floodplain out of the total population AD8 - Number of old ecological burdens in the city AD9 - Proportion of the number of inhabitants living in the area at risk of floods from torrential rains from the total population AD10 - Proportion of the number of critical objects located in the flood area of river floods Q100 from the total number of critical objects AD11 - The share of drinking water in the total water consumption for watering public greenery AD12 - Consumption of drinking water in the city / city district / municipality from public sources AD13 - Average usable capacity of drinking water sources for the needs of the city / city district / municipality per capita of the city/city district/municipality AD14 - Forest vegetation prone to drought AD15 - Amount of rainwater captured in cadastral area AD16 - Number of extraordinary climatic events EMISSION EMI1 - Consumption of district heat EMI2 - Electricity consumption EMI3 - Consumption of natural gas EMI4 - Transport performance in individual car transport EMI5 - Consumption of coal (brown, black) within the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipality EMI6 - Consumption of other fossil fuels (propane-butane, heating oil, others) within the administrative territory of the city/city district/municipality EMI8 - Transport performance in passenger rail transport EMI9 - Transport performance in passenger bus and trolleybus transport EMI10 - Transport performance in air transport EMI13 - Amount of mixed municipal waste disposed of in landfills EMI14 - Amount of mixed municipal waste disposed of by incineration EMI15 - Total hazardous waste production EMI16 - Wastewater production EMI17 - Amount of biodegradable municipal waste (BDMW) PREPAREDNESS GOV1 - Strategic-institutional situation of the city in the field of adaptation to the impacts of climate change GOV2 - Funds spent on the implementation of adaptation measures GOV3 - Existence of a low carbon strategy / policy / action plan GOV4 - Funds for the implementation of mitigation measures from the total budget of the city / city district / municipality GOV5 - The share of residential buildings in a given energy standard according to the heat demand for heating GOV6 - Proportion of public lighting spots replaced by a more efficient source GOV7 - Instalovaný výkon nově nainstalovaných fotovoltaických panelů na obyvatele GOV8 - Total power of spare sources for electricity generation GOV9 - Public buildings in the administration of the city/city district/municipality renovated in order to increase their adaptability to the impacts of climate change. GOV10 - Area of the territory changed to green infrastructure GOV11 - Share of water losses in the distribution system in total production GOV12 - Number of awareness-raising events for citizens and local actors focused on education and increasing competencies (competences) in the field of climate change GOV13 - Proportion of population with permanent access to one of the sources of information GOV14 - Agricultural land fund land foreclosure GOV15 - Proportion of energy from RES (renewable electricity, heat and cold from renewable sources) in public buildings managed by the municipality GOV16 - Production of energy from renewable sources within the administrative territory of the city / city-district / municipality. Comparison of labels This label visually shows the difference between the rating of each area and the sub-indicators of the two selected models. Changes for the better are coloured yellow-green and green, for the worse, orange and red. The final overall score is shown by a line indicating the Climate scan value.
When you point the cursor over the sub-indicator, the name of the indicator and the values of the compared models appear in the description. The bottom bar graph shows all indicators, including their values side by side.
(estimation) (measurement, calculation) (estimation) (measurement, calculation) % %