Degree of certainty: 40.9%
Data completeness: 95.7%
The climate label is the result of evaluating cities, city districts and buildings in terms of their contribution to and adaptation to climate change.
It is a summary representation of the overall rating in the form of several concentric circles divided into four quadrants. These illustrate four main areas for assessing the approach of a city, district, or building in the area of adaptation to climate change (exposure, sensitivity, and capacity) and emission, i.e. greenhouse gas emissions. Each area is further subdivided into smaller slices, which are represented by sub-indicators that represent that area.
5 colors (red, orange, yellow, light green and dark green) are used throughout the label to indicate the negative (red) or positive (dark green) status or development of the system described by the indicators used. Thus, on one label it is possible to assess the status / development of sub-indicators (for example, electricity consumption per person or availability of greenery), whole areas up to the overall status of the system. This is expressed both by the central value of the Klimasken (Climate scan) and by the colour expression.
The climate label shows the data on the observed phenomenon in one image.
Due to its interactivity, the label can be clicked and zoomed in for the purpose of a partial display of data or information about a specific indicator.
It expresses the rate of use of estimates within the model (100 % means the use of only measured or calculated data).
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